Procedural walking animation generator in Unreal Engine 5

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Procedural walking animation generator in Unreal Engine 5 with a system that should ease a favorite animation selection between multiple animations.  One of my ditched projects. If this project gets enough interest, I might return to it, so leave comments with ideas on what I could do with it further. 

  1. Download
  2. Extract
  3. Run WalkAnimSelector.exe

Project files: - Unreal Engine version 5.3. The project was a prototype I ditched a year ago, so it isn't well organized and might have some unfinished things and bugs.

Extra: (Unreal Engine version 5.3) Project Files for the dog walking animation you see at the end of the YouTube video.

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Procedural walking animation generator in Unreal Engine 5 with a system that should ease a favorite animation selection between multiple animations.

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Procedural walking animation generator in Unreal Engine 5

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I want this!